Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy Birthday

Why write?  I'm a busy woman.  I have a son and too many cats and even a poor put upon and often beaten up (by the 5 cats) Yorkie.  We have to go to baseball practices and school and play dates with friends and I work. A full time, very full time job.  Customer Care Manager at an online Adult Entertainment Company.  Sounds naughtier than it is, promise!
So why start this now when I have more than enough to do and not as much time as I've had in the past?  Because I need to.  Simple but true.  There is no better answer than that simple word. Need.  There is an aching in the pit of my stomach, a rumble that echoes through my body and quickens the pace of my heart, an ache that cannot be ignored.  Not any more.  It's time.  I feel it. I know it. 
The man I admire most, Mr. Stephen King, wrote in his book On Writing, about finding a fossil and unearthing it. That is what I'm doing now.  The seed, the beginning, the bit of bone poking through the dirt is there and it's time to begin.
For me, it is just something magic that I know is there.  It is just like the moment you realize you are falling in love.  The way your heart beats when you wake, their face still there behind your closed eyes.  You take a moment then, a moment to picture them, because  you know there is something amazing to recall, but only pieces come to you, so you take it slowly.  Examining each and every second, weaving them together into a memory that will stick, that will become a part of you that will never be lost.  Even when they are long gone, that moment, that piece of time will still be with you, never to be forgotten and one day even written down in a love story that isn't quite what it seems. is born today

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